We took the bus out to Borås for a day to visit with Ingrid and Thomas, and this time also with David, whose birthday we got to help celebrate. Thomas’s mother joined as us well for the scrumptious midday dinner and cake, and some of the visiting afterward. Ingrid and Thomas have each collected and/or made so many beautiful things that I am afraid my enjoyment of them makes me seem rather like a tourist, but both are imperturbably gracious hosts. Plus now I have pics of all kinds of great things I could try to make — straw figures, embroidery, candles,…
After dinner we spent some time watching concert videos. Ingrid had complete footage of David’s Nordic Dance show at Linköping, which Mills hadn’t seen and I was happy to see again, and then we watched their show from a previous year. Then we watched the ESI Julkonsert — I had initially thought we’d maybe just see the one number that David and I performed together, but then we ended up watching the whole concert, which was something of a marathon for the parents who’d already seen it in person. No Youtube of the entire show, but I’ll let you know when the video of our halling is up.
On our way back to the station, we took a little sidetrip to see the downtown exhibit of United Buddy Bears, each painted to represent one of the 108 countries represented by the UN, and the (remains of the) holiday ice sculptures. It’s funny how downtown Borås seems so familiar and homey when we only first set foot there a few months ago.
The evening after our trip to Borås, we went to a dance with Urban at the Fräntorps Folkets Hus, and met up with Thomas and Ingrid there as well. Urban actually hadn’t been to a dance in quite a while, so it was nice to feel like we were being a good influence.
- festive birthday dinner
- the birthday boy said he didn’t feel any older
- Grandma and the Norwegian cake (kransekake)
- awesome collection of straw figures
- dancers and a buttonbox player
- buddy bears — name that country
- 3 bands alternated sets, 2 turns apiece
- dancing an engelska
- a cinnamon bun is a “kanelbulle”, so a camel-shaped one is…