It seems we are on the tour itinerary of the recruiting team for the Musikhögskolan i Malmö, so we got a little concert last night featuring some students from their world music degree program. There was also quite a lot of talking about the school and its offerings and teachers and why each of them chose that program over its competitors. It was an entertaining program; it may be a long time before my next opportunity to hear a Boda polska played on oboe and electric bass.
There was a bit of a late-night jam session in the dining room when I was on my way home from the practice room, so I sat in for a bit. The Malmö crowd seemed most interested in playing klezmer and swing and blues and whatever-all else fell into their heads, though I did pick up a nice polska with an equally nice title involving princesstorta.
We’ve also been invited to visit KMH, the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, which is the oldest and most prestigious program for folk music. There are a few in our class who intend and/or hope to apply to music school(s) for next year.
- Malmö folkmusik students
- quietest member of the band
- Boda polska on oboe and electric bass