On Saturday I went to play with Alice again, and spent the night there. We talked a lot and played a lot and did not sleep a lot.
On Sunday, Andrea and I spent a lovely fall afternoon and evening with Leif. He took us to see his local baroque castle, Salsta slott, and we also walked around the grounds of the beautiful old church in Tensta. We even found a nice picnic table for our fika, but then we opted to have our tea/coffee in the nice warm car instead. We went back to his place for a companionable evening featuring yummy dinner and tunes and stories.
I bought a new nyckelharpa bow! From Erik Arro in Uppsala, for ~$250. I am very pleased with it.
- Salsta slott
- driveway and stables
- Leif says the white-plastic covered straw bales are called “tractor eggs” (traktor ägg)
- Tensta kyrka: several generations of doors and windows
- rune stone
- bell tower
- nifty curved brickwork
- lovely fika spot
- warm fika spot