Dance week at ESI

This week we’ve had an extra 18 people here for a week-long dance course. That’s a lot of people in the kitchen, and a lot of shoes! Tuesday evening we had a special dance night with Kjell-Erik Eriksson and Patrik Andersson, each of whom was here for part of the week playing for the dancers. Wednesday night we had a special French dance evening, courtesy of Petra’s and Chloe’s friend Lucas who was visiting for several days from Lyon, and who plays a mean 3-row button accordion. Thursday night was Tobotorsdag with Scillas Svänggäng, which includes Ditte and Anders Liljefors (her uncle) and Bo Larsson and a handful of their equally illustrious family members.

Next week is February break (sportlov, and if I knew why it’s called that I have forgotten), so Andrea and I are heading out in mere minutes for Helsinki! W00t!

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