Lots of snow! Y’know how when you make a gingerbread house, sometimes the icing that is supposed to be snow gets all gloopy, and then it looks too improbably droopy to represent real snow? That’s what the roof of the Annex (our dorm building) has been looking like. But then the snow starts to slide and come crashing off in big sheets. Then it looks rather less like (and makes rather more noise than) icing. It is quite entertaining.
Also including a pic of my pet icicles — which were callously knocked down before the concert, before I could see whether they would really make a whole sheet of ice in front of the window (sadly did not get a pic of the height of their career) — and another pic showing what the back of Niklas’s car looked like when he arrived from Järvsö after spending several hours on snowy roads. Plus, finally managed to get a couple pics of the birds who visit outside my window; they usually don’t sit still long enough for my camera to focus.
- dramatic moon (4:52p 26nov)
- bright clear morning (9:50a 27nov)
- pet icicles (5:23p 4dec)
- Niklas’s snowy car (11:21p 5dec)
- sunrise color (8:56a 7dec)
- snow over Andrea’s window (1:22p 13dec)
- sunset color (2:42p 14dec)
- dramatic drooping (9:02a 18dec)
- it won’t be long now (9:18a 19dec)
- after (5:42p 18dec)
- view from my window (11:13a 20dec)
- birds outside my window (11:35a 22dec)
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