Not quite 24 hours in Tallinn

Tallinn is a popular quick-shopping-trip destination from Helsinki. In the off-season the ferry lines run specials together with the hotels they also own, such that it’s cheaper to go there and stay overnight than to take just a day-trip — or at least it is if there are four of you. Or six, if you add a couple of Anni’s friends from Helsinki. So, off we went.

It was Elisabet’s birthday, which she wanted to celebrate that evening with a big feast at the famous medieval-themed Olde Hansa restaurant. Our itinerary involved the 10:30am-12:30pm ferry in each direction. That left us with an entire afternoon for touristing in the Old Town(s).

It’s an interesting environment: one of the big industries seems to be the local knitting factory, and quite a number of the shops featuring those items appear to be under the same Russian management. So there was a particular feel to those places: a little edgy, maybe (understandably) a bit resentful of being a destination for presumed-rich tourists to pop in for a few hours. Even my initially cordial visit at an artisan’s shop, despite my careful appreciation of the traditional textile work involved, triggered a rant on the subject of underappreciated handwork. I don’t suppose I would enjoy working at a tourist destination either, but the prevailing winds did not make me feel welcome. (Speaking of prevailing winds, it was COLD! despite our many layers.) Though I did have a lovely visit to the creperie, with cheap huge yummy pancakes as promised.

Andrea and I each took a skazillion photos of picturesque medieval arches and cobbled streets and turrets and whatnot. Here are a few.

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